HomeSeriesThe Inspiring Journey Of Intervention's Geri Bemister From Adversity To Advocacy

The Inspiring Journey Of Intervention’s Geri Bemister From Adversity To Advocacy

Geri Bemister's diverse roles as a behavioral scientist, addictions counselor, and interventionist reflected on her wikipedia records.

Geri Bemister starred in the TV series Intervention, which won two Primetime Emmy Awards. She appeared in four episodes between 2020 and 2021: two in season 21 and two in season 22.

Geri Bemister, who had a background in behavioral science, criminology, and addiction counseling, was honored in 2019 with the Courage to Come Back Award in the addictions category.


  • Geri Bermister fell into trap of heavy substance abuse to forget what she had suffererd from trusted relatives.
  • When it deteriorated her liver and she weighted only 97 pounds, she enrolled for recovery.
  • At the time of treatment, doctors diagnosed her with breast cancer.

Sadly, she took her last breath on June 24, 2023, following her vigorous battle with cancer for many years.

Despite her ups and downs, Geri Bemister grappled with the transition to the next phase of her life.

She acknowledged the challenge of taking on responsibility, likening it to her role as a teacher, where the focus is not on herself but on something larger.

Nevertheless, her motivation remained steadfast, embodying the supportive presence she lacked in her life.

Geri Bemister Enrolled To Rehabilitation Center Before It Was Too Late

Growing up in Langford near Victoria, Geri Bemister practiced pitching with her dad every day—100 times.

She became a star pitcher on her fastball team, competing in provincial championships and even training with the national team.

Fastball wasn’t just a sport for Geri; it was her safe place.

Among the sports she was good at, fastball allowed her to take a break from everything else—no noise, no anger, and no memories of the abuse she suffered from age five to thirteen at the hands of relatives.

It was her escape where she could just be in the moment.

Geri Bemister’s life took a far-from-ordinary turn.

Alongside regularly using LSD, smoking pot, and drinking heavily every weekend, she drifted away from her old friends.

“At the time, using drugs and alcohol seemed like a normal part of life. There were plenty of parties. What wasn’t normal was that while everyone else moved on to college, jobs, and started building lives that were nothing like mine, I kept using.”

In her early 30s, Geri Bemister reached a critical point: her liver was failing, forcing her to quit drinking.

It caught her off guard and sparked a profound shift within her.

In addition to her struggles with addiction, Geri Bemister faced another daunting challenge.

She was diagnosed with cancer while undergoing treatment, and eventually, she had to undergo a double mastectomy, removing both her breasts.

Despite the setbacks, she stayed focused on seeking support and educating herself through it all.

Geri Bemister Contributed As Interventionist Following Her Recovery From Substance Abuse

Geri Bemister had worn many hats throughout her career as a behavioral scientist, a business owner, and an addictions counselor.

Previously, she served as the director of operations at the Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre in Calgary.

Her academic pursuits have taken her to study the criminal justice system across five countries.

Moreover, Geri held faculty positions at Vancouver Island University in the Department of Criminology and North Island College in Courtenay, where she teaches.

Additionally, she contributed as an interventionist on the TV series Intervention Canada.

Before passing away at the age of 53, Geri Bemister no longer defined herself by her past trauma or addiction, nor did she live in pain or see herself as a victim.

Instead, she focused on helping others find empowerment and healing.

Additional Information

  • At a young age, Geri Bemister, along with her pregnant girlfriend and another individual, robbed a drug store and stole a car.
  • Consequently, she was sentenced to the women’s unit of Oakalla Prison, becoming the youngest female inmate in a federal penitentiary.
  • Once, she only weighed 97 pounds when she was heavily into substance abuse.
Alisha Shrestha
Alisha Shrestha
Introducing Alisha Shrestha, a dynamic writer and content editor with a finger on the pulse of the entertainment industry. With her passion for style and movie culture, Alisha delivers compelling articles that inspire and inform readers, keeping them up-to-date with the latest trends and developments.


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