HomeActressAnna Cabana Portrayed By Rachel Harris Supports Her Husband Through All His...

Anna Cabana Portrayed By Rachel Harris Supports Her Husband Through All His Ups And Downs In Unfrosted!

In the movie, Jerry Seinfeld, Who is also a director and writer, can be seen as Bob Cabana.

Rachel Harris portrays Anna Cabana, who is the wife of Bob Cabana, an employee of Kellogg Company in Unfrosted.

Unfrosted” is an American Comedy movie that started on Netflix on May 3, 2024.


  • The Movie Unfrosted is directed by Jerry Seinfeld, who can also be seen as a leading role.
  • The rival company Post gears up to launch a new pastry product that was stolen from Kellogg’s research.
  • During Bob’s challenging time, Anna Cabana stood by his side as a supporting wife and encouraged him.

The movie conveys the creation of the Pop-Tart in 1963 in Michigan, when business rivals Kellogg’s and Post competed to create a cake that could change breakfast forever.

Jerry Seinfeld’s Unfrosted Official Trailer

Jim Gaffigan Portrays Edsel Kellogg III, the head of Kellogg’s and Bob’s boss, and Amy Schumer illustrates Marjorie Post, the head of rival cereal Company Post.

The movie also stars renowned actors Hugh Grant, Melissa McCarthy, and Max Greenfield.

Anna Cabana Is Seen As A Supporting Wife To Bob Cabana

The Movie is described from the point of view of Kellogg’s, where their rival company gears up to launch a new pastry product stolen from Kellogg’s research.

It shows the competition between the two cereal titans, with Kellogg’s established as the dominant market leader facing a threat from the rival company Post.

Anna Cabana, acted by Rachel Harris, is seen as a supporting role for her husband, Bob Cabana.

As the trailer shows, she kisses him goodbye as he heads to the job. Anna and Bob Cabana were happy, but they were about to face challenges.

After facing the threat from Post, Bob Cabana and the whole Kellogg company struggled to regain their position in the market.

During Bob’s challenging time, Anna Cabana stood by his side as a supporting wife and encouraged him.

Eventually, Kellogg’s new pastry, Poptart, gained popularity and contributed to the company’s growth.

The success of Kellogg led to financial prosperity for Bob and Anna Cabana.

Additional Information

  • Rachel Harris, the renowned actress and comedian, was born on January 12, 1968, in Worthington, Ohio, USA.
  • Harris debuted on television on Seaquest DSV in 1993.
  • Rachel has also starred in well-known series like Lucifer and Goosebumps.
Suruchi Lohani
Suruchi Lohani
suruchi is a student of business management. who is also a movie enthusiast she loves writing articles and blogs related to movies,she also love reading novels and is passionate about learning new things.


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