HomeMoviesNick George's Ian Role Cut Short Due To His Tragic Demise

Nick George’s Ian Role Cut Short Due To His Tragic Demise

Nick George portrayed Ian in the horror and thriller film New Life, directed by John Rosman. The horror thriller was released on May 3, 2024.

This film focuses on two women: one enigmatic woman on the run and the other, a tenacious fixer tasked with capturing her.


  • Nick George starred as Ian, partner of the enigmatic woman on the run, Jessica Murdock.
  • He lost his life from the infection of a dog who ran away from a pharma branch of a tech conglomerate.
  • Unlike in real life, Nick couldn’t escape his demise in the horror film New Life.

Hayley Erin, who portrayed Jessica Murdock, is a woman on the run. She is heading across the border into Canada, desperately attempting to flee her past.

Sonya Walger portrayed Elsa Gray, a resourceful agent who recently received a life-altering diagnosis. She is pursuing her and is one step behind.

Her investigation starts to fill with new corpses as their pursuit closes in on the mountains of the Pacific Northwest.

The two women are on the verge of disaster as their search for forgiveness and purpose quickly leads to a terrifying meeting.

Other cast members include Tony Amendola, Ayanna Berkshire, Blaine Palmer, Betty Moyer, Cyndi Rhoads, Jeb Berrier, and David Loftus.

Ian Suffered From The Virus While Camping With His Partner, Jess

Ian portrayed the role of Jessica’s partner. The love birds camp near the jungle, having a good time lighting a fire, playing cards, and drinking.

However, their happiness is limited for a specific time.

Jess caressed a dog in the wilderness while camping. Despite Ian’s warnings of possible infections, she worried for the dog and spent the night in her embrace.

They didn’t know that the dog escaped from the laboratory, a pharma branch of a tech conglomerate.

Thus, it led to a strange infection where Jess noticed red spots on her skin. Similarly, Ian was also infected with the same virus.

He starts coughing and has trouble breathing in the middle of the night. Jess noticed bigger bloody patches on his body and got worried.

She immediately called an ambulance, but instead of a hospital, an ambulance took them to a strange location.

The anonymous masked officer didn’t tell the reasons behind their infection and kept them in utter darkness in different cells, providing irregular meals.

Afterward, Jess decided to make a run, broke the bulb in her room, and injured a masked officer with the broken glass.

She noticed Ian’s heavily scarred body in another cell while running out. Sadly, Ian lost his life while trying to speak with his partner, Jessica.

Although Nick George escaped d**th twice in real life, he couldn’t do so in his reel life.

New Life Is As Exciting As It Is Emotionally Resonant

The review team of The Departure Film found this horror thriller to be an impressive directorial debut.

Similarly, it makes viewers anxious about what will happen next since the cast’s motivations feel urgent. This is a horror thriller with a delicate character focus.

In less than ninety minutes, an outstanding performance, a fantastic story, excellent direction, and superb below-the-line craftmanship were accomplished.

It’s worth seeing for the challenging and satisfying part where terror and hope are dangled. Strongly advised.

Additional Information

  • Frank Lerner feels sorry for Jess, and instead of handing her over to the authorities, he drives her toward the North.
  • Elsa Gray had contemplated ending her life in the past, but her loved ones tried to make her look at the brighter side.
  • Molly Presser, who ran away from her abusive partner, empathizes with Jessica and offers her some work with a place to stay as well.
  • Raymond wants to find Jessica to eradicate the connection between the contracting tech conglomerate and the virus.
Ashish Maharjan
Ashish Maharjan
Ashish Maharjan, author at thedeparturefilm, has been covering entertainment news with a keen eye for detail and a knack for storytelling. An editor and writer with a passion for capturing the essence of athletic competition.


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