HomeDocumentaryJeff Reed From Docu-Drama, The Speedway M*rders Appears To Be A Local...

Jeff Reed From Docu-Drama, The Speedway M*rders Appears To Be A Local Resident of Speedway!

On November 17, 1978, a robbery at a Burger Chef restaurant in Speedway, Indiana, turned tragic with four deaths, two suspects, and no one arrested for the crime.

The Burger Chef M*rders occurred in Speedway, Indiana, where four employees were abducted and ki*led, and even after almost 46 years, the case remains unsolved.

Despite extensive investigations, including recent efforts to re-examine evidence, the perpetrators have not been identified.


  • Burger Chef M*rders occurred in Speedway, Indiana, in 1978, where four employees were abducted and ki*led, leaving the case unsolved despite extensive investigations.
  • A local resident of Speedway, Indiana, Jeff Reed, made unverified claims regarding the m*rders, suggesting the involvement of a person named Larry as the perpetrator.
  • Reed’s claims have not been substantiated, and his role in the actual crimes remains unproven.

A docu-drama, “The Speedway M*rders,” provides new insights and perspectives on this enduring cold case.

The documentary offers a deep dive into the details surrounding the Burger Chef M*rders, which remain unsolved, with various theories and suspects over the years.

It has garnered attention for its poignant portrayal and thorough investigative approach, shedding new light on a case.

In addition, various names, including Jeff Reed, have been associated with the case over the years. Let’s explore how he was involved in this incident.

Involvement Of Jeff Reed in the Burger Chef M*rders: Unverified Claims and Local Speculation

Jeff Reed appears to have been a local resident of Speedway, Indiana. He is not directly related to the unsolved “Burger Chef M*rders” that occurred in 1978.

However, he appears to have made unverified claims about the case, including pointing to another person as the perpetrator.

In addition, these claims have not been validated, and Reed’s involvement in the actual crimes remains unproven.

In a podcast, WHO K*LLED ME? BURGER CHEF 4 – SPEEDWAY INDIANA, one user commented,

Jeff Reed said a guy named Larry did it. Jeff Reed is dead now.

This statement suggests that Reed claimed Larry was responsible for the crime. Additionally, it indicates that Jeff Reed has passed away.

Another user commented,

I had known Jeff my whole life and knew at the time that he was bearded and lived/ran around Speedway/Westside. I remember another news report from WTHR stating the suspected bearded man was found living in Johnson County. I also remember overhearing conversations as a kid of Jeff being questioned.

The commenter states they have known Reed their whole life and mentions specific details such as Jeff being bearded and living in the Speedway/Westside area.

While there might have been media reports about a bearded suspect in Johnson County, it’s unclear if these reports directly linked him.

Jeff’s role in the Burger Chef M*rders seems to be linked to statements he made about the crime, but given the unsolved nature of the case, details about his involvement or credibility remain unclear.

Additional Information

  • Murray Curtis portrayed the role of Jeff Reed in “The Speedway M*rders” (2023).
  • In the Speedway m*rders, four Burger Chef employees, Jayne Friedt, 20; Ruth Ellen Shelton, 18; Mark Flemmonds, 16; and Daniel Davis, 16, were tragically ki*led.
  • These m*rders occurred during an attempted robbery at the restaurant in Speedway, Indiana.
Deepti Bhatta
Deepti Bhatta
Meet Deepti Bhatta, a passionate writer and content editor who brings a fresh perspective to The Departure Film. With her keen interest in the entertainment industry, Deepti crafts articles that inform, inspire, and entertain readers, keeping them engaged and coming back for more. In her spare time, she enjoys binge-watching movies and series, as well as traveling to new destinations.


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